Create sql lite database, create table, add record to table, read records from table.
Create sql lite database, create table, add record to table, read records from table.
import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect("dersler.db") cursor = con.cursor() def tabloolustur(): cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE ogrenciler (ad TEXT, soyad TEXT, numara INT, ogrencinotu INT)") def degerekle(): cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ogrenciler VALUES('Onur','ÖZTEN ÜĞİŞÖ',789512,76)") con.commit() def degerlerial(): """ değerleri alır """ cursor.execute("select * from ogrenciler") data = cursor.fetchall() for i in data: print(i) tabloolustur() degerekle() degerlerial() con.close()